Archive for the tag: Infrastructure

RP2 Day 2 Surveillance & Contact Tracing/Privacy/Computing & Data Infrastructure Lightning Round

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It has been just over a year since the NSF-funded PREPARE (Pandemic Research for Preparedness and Resilience ( virtual organization was created, and we’re intent on building a community focused on pandemic preparedness and resilience. As we work to maximize the collaborative synergies of the outstanding research completed through the NSF RAPID grant program, we were excited to offer this opportunity to present work, learn from colleagues, and seek collaborative opportunities at RP2: NSF PREPARE 2nd Annual RAPID PI Meeting.

Lightning Round Presenters:
Nigel Reuel, Iowa State University
Amit Barui, Purdue University
Michael Klaczko, University of Rochester
Pelagia Gouma, The Ohio State University
Xiaochen Xian, University of Florida
Li Xiong, Emory University
Sharad Sharma, Bowie State University
Rupali Batta, Harvard University
Praveen Rao, University of Missouri-Columbia
Yung-Hsiang Lu, Purdue University
Saikat Basu, South Dakota State University
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Introduction to EHR.Network – the data-first digital health infrastructure

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EHR.Network is the data-first infrastructure for digital health applications. It includes a standards compliant health data repository and a collection of services. The platform exposes standard REST APIs that helps development and roll out of healthcare applications fast, easy and cost effective.

The platform separates the health data from applications, making it easy to manage and evolve both independently. It allows aggregation of data from disparate sources to generate insights for healthcare organizations.

UGM 2021 | Panel Discussion: Challenges & Opportunities of Setting up a Data Infrastructure

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The complexities of managing and delivering value from high throughput multi-omics data far outpace traditional approaches to IT infrastructure. Thus, building a robust, centralized ecosystem that ingests, stores & pre-processes these data for downstream ML applications becomes critical. Join our panel of industry experts as they make a case for strategic investments in biomedical data management and shed light on the challenges of building a data infrastructure from the ground up.

Talk to us for a personalized walkthrough on how we help data-driven drug discovery teams get to faster actionable insights:
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Health Information Exchange (HIE) is one of the most complex data systems in health care. Most HIEs are working to meet the challenge of streamlining data to create insights and support various stakeholders in their community around population health initiatives. Join speakers Jaime Bland, CEO of NeHII (Nebraska Health Information Initiative), one of the most advanced HIEs with a bold vision around HIEs as the enabler of population health through aligning HIE data to value based care, alternative payment model infrastructure and population health analytics, and Vineeth Yeddula, CEO of KPI Ninja, who has enabled NEHII to operationlize this vision by collaborating with NeHII. During this webinar, you will learn how using advanced analytics is revolutionizing this space by delivering insights in easing the burden for payors and providers as well as accelerating the improvement of outcomes. You’ll discover the unique approach to leverage existing data sources and design a population health analytics roadmap and improve the clinical outcomes that are aligned to value-based financial reimbursement.

Spotlight on Free Software Building Blocks for a Secure Health Data Infrastructure

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by Markus Suhr and Marcel Parciak

At: FOSDEM 2020

Health Data is traditionally held and processed in large and complex mazes of hospital information systems. The market is dominated by vendors offering monolithic and proprietary software due to the critical nature of the supported processes and – in some cases – due to legal requirements. The “digital transformation”, “big data” and “artificial intelligence” are some of the hypes that demand for improved exchange of health care data in routine health care and medical research alike. Exchanging data at these scales requires open data formats and protocols, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and agile development. As an example, the de-facto messaging standard organization in medicine HL7 noticed a much more positive response from the medical research community regarding their openly available FHIR specification in comparison to the for-members-only and XML-based HL7v3 messaging standard specification.
While some past (or rather: ongoing) projects on a national scale in the German health care system have tried centralized, top-down specification and development approaches, more recent infrastructure projects embrace the competitive collaboration of a decentralized, bottom-up strategy. As a result, importance and recognition of free software increase in the Medical Informatics research community.

In a series of rapid spotlights, we present tools and frameworks that serve as cornerstones for the envisioned health data exchange infrastructure, including: Organization and collaboration tools; data extraction from clinical source systems, data transformation and de-identification; data management systems and long-term archival using persistent globally-unique object identifiers; federated queries across multiple independently managed clinical data integration centers.

We aim to encourage participants to actively add tools and frameworks within the discussion and highlight their experiences and challenges with using open systems in Medical Informatics.
❮h3❯Speaker bio:❮/h3❯

Marcel Parciak and Markus Suhr are research associates at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG), Department of Medical Informatics.

Marcel graduated the Göttingen Medical Informatics Master program in 2018 and is currently a PhD student, investigating the challenges of data provenance in medical research. He is a system architect for the HiGHmed project that facilitates innovative federated infrastructure for cross-organisational secondary use of health care data.

Markus started his professional career in 2014 as a system administrator and software developer at the UMG hospital data center. He joined the Department of Medical Informatics in 2017, becoming lead developer for a free software project and working on multiple biomedical research projects. Since 2019 he is technical lead for the newly created Medical Data Integration Center. Markus is a supporter of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

Room: AW1.126
Scheduled start: 2020-02-01 11:00:00
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Build Your Startup's Data Infrastructure in 1-Hour

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To attend one of our AWS Loft events, visit us at one of our many locations –
Having accessible data that tells you about your customers and how they’re using your product is critical to the long-term health and success of your startup. By building a cloud-based data stack you’ll build better products, reach more customers, and more easily raise money.

Benn Stancil, Chief Analyst and Co-founder of Mode, gives an introduction to the tools you need to set up your data infrastructure in one-hour. He’ll arm you with the tools you need to move, store, and analyze data, and instructions on how to build a platform that can not only scale, but can also enable you to start answering product, marketing, and fundraising questions tonight.
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The key to successful analytics projects is to implement a robust data infrastructure. Find out what that means here – both for traditional and Big Data sources.

March 4, 2014 Data Infrastructure Webinar

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